Club Policies and Procedures
Purpose of Policies and Procedures
The purpose of these Policies and Procedures are to provide the leadership, coaches, trainers, players, parents, volunteers, other staff, and everyone involved with F.C. Deportivo Arizona, Inc. a set of procedures to operate by in growing and managing the Club. In addition to these Policies and Procedures, the Club and all of its participants are expected to abide by the Club Bylaws, Policies and Procedures, Core Values and Codes of Conduct. In addition, all involved are expected to abide by the procedures of our member organizations, including Arizona Youth Soccer Association (A.Y.S.A.), United States Youth Soccer (U.S.Y.S.) and the United States Soccer Federation (U.S.S.F.). In the event of a potential contradiction with the Policies and Procedures contained herein, the Policies and Procedures of these organizations take precedence. Such contradictions should be brought to the attention of the F.C. Deportivo Arizona Board of Directors and remedied at the earliest possible opportunity.
Teams may choose to have additional procedures and guidelines over and above the minimum requirements contained herein, but must be approved by the Board of Directors.
It should be noted that the Policies and Procedures of F.C. Deportivo Arizona may be changed but will be communicated to the Club’s members.
F.C. Deportes America Overview
Fútbol Club Deportivo Arizona (F.C.D.A.), a new youth soccer Club in Phoenix Arizona with full-time programs available to players ages 6-19. Our players will have access to the city’s spacious and well-lit parks for weekly training sessions and scheduled games.
F.C.D.A. is overseen by a combination of United States Soccer Federation licensed Coaches as well as Volunteers. Our Club not only focuses on player-centered development, but also on our coaching staff and their ongoing education. Our Recreational, Academy and Club Programs are the ideal place for players to develop on the field, among the most elite players in the Valley.
F.C. Deportivo Arizona will focus on Player development more than anything else, especially in our Academy program. F.C.D.A. teams are formed and organized to provide an opportunity for boys and girls of our area to develop their skills to the highest level possible. This player-centered development will allow F.C.D.A. teams to play soccer at the highest competitive levels. The long-term goal of F.C. Deportes America, Inc. is to produce quality people and players who can use soccer as a stepping-stone for high school play, college admission (potential soccer scholarship), and life in general. F.C.D.A. believes that winning will eventually come as a natural result of a well-executed process on behalf of the players, coaches and the Club’s philosophy in action. The F.C.D.A. Philosophy is a providing a developmental soccer experience in which every player:
is coached using the principles of player-centered coaching
has fun playing the game
learns the skills, tactics and strategies of the game
improves as a player
learns life lessons that have value beyond the playing field
F.C.D.A. has sole responsibility for and authority over each team. Any dues or fees paid by parents and any fundraising, sponsorship or other funds that accrue to the team immediately become the property of the Club, as are any other goods purchased for or donated to the team. The Board of Directors will appoint a Coach for the Team and sometimes a Volunteer, both of whom will answer directly to the Club’s Director of Coaching who ultimately reports to the Club’s Board of Directors. Likewise, the Board of Directors will appoint a Team Manager who will work under the direction of the team’s Coach. The Coach, Volunteer and Team Manager are not elected positions voted on by the parents or players of the Teams. Parental involvement and support are obviously vital to the success of any team and the Coach, Volunteer and Team Manager should always encourage that involvement and support whenever possible. All decisions involving division of play, competition level, and the scheduling of games and tournaments will be made by the Coach, with input from the Director of Coaching. The Coach may occasionally solicit input from the Team Manager regarding tournaments to participate in, but ultimately it is up to the Coach. The Coach and Volunteer will make all Coaching decisions involving lineups, playing time, positions, and addressing players. Such decisions are not at the discretion of the parents, Team Managers, or the players. All decisions involving fundraising, participation in other team or Club-related activities (including associated dates and times), team publicity and image, travel arrangements, and the expenditure of funds will be made by the Team Manager and are ultimately subject to the authority of the Coach, and the Club’s Board of Directors. Any above area of responsibility may be delegated, from time to time, by individuals responsible, but none of the decisions require a vote by the parents or players. F.C.D.A. greatly desires a cooperative atmosphere between parents and team management.
Commitment and Conduct Policies (Code of Conduct)
Exhibit 100% effort and a positive attitude at all training sessions and games.
Be prepared:
Arrive at all training sessions and games at or before the time designated by your coach or team manager. Notify your Coach or team manager in advance of any absences.
Dress appropriately in the proper uniform or training kit including appropriate footwear.
Bring your gear, including cleats/ flats, shin guards, an appropriately-sized and inflated soccer ball and water to all games and training sessions.
Be match ready: get adequate sleep and nutrition prior to each game.
Demonstrate good sportsmanship at all times towards opponents, referees, parents of opposing players, teammates and coaches.
Non-compliance with any of the above may result in appropriate disciplinary action up to and including reassignment or removal from the team.
Parents play a special role in fulfilling the needs and contributing to the development of children— and not just their own children. Through encouragement and good example parents and guardians can help assure that all F.C. Deportivo Arizona (F.C.D.A.) athletes learn good sportsmanship and self-discipline. To this end, the role of each F.C.D.A. parent or guardian is very simple: behave as a parent, not as a coach or referee. In addition to supporting their sons or daughters in fulfilling their player commitments, F.C.D.A. parents are asked to commit to the following.
Pay your player’s fees on time and in full.
Keep your household information up to date including current address, phone number and email addresses.
To the extent that your player relies on you for transportation, ensure that they arrive on time for all training sessions and games.
Wait 24 hours following the end of any game or training session before approaching a Coach, Team Manager, Club Official or volunteer to discuss a complaint or concern arising from the game or training session.
Don’t be a sideline ref or coach: Avoid direct communication – verbal or non-verbal – with F.C.D.A. players and coaches during training sessions and games. Avoid communication of any kind with referees and opposing players and coaches during or after games.
Avoid the use of profanity and abusive language of all kinds at all events which involve or relate in any way to F.C.D.A., its players or coaching staff.
Avoid the use of alcohol or tobacco at all F.C.D.A. activities.
Observe all rules applicable particularly to parents and to spectators in general as promulgated by the gaming league(s) in which your player participates.
Any reproduction of the F.C.D.A. logo, design or tagline without written consent from F.C.D.A. is prohibited. Trademark on the F.C.D.A. logo are pending.
Failure of a parent to comply with the above may results in disciplinary action including but not limited to exclusion of the parent from the attendance of any F.C.D.A. events.
Use of FC Deportivo Arizona Fields
FC Deportivo Arizona (F.C.D.A.) are for the private use of F.C.D.A. and its partner organizations. Use of F.C.D.A. fields for any purpose, including (but not limited to) scrimmages and private training sessions, without prior written authorization from F.C.D.A. is strictly prohibited.
Level of Play
The FC Deportivo Arizona coaching staff exclusively decides teams’ leagues and brackets.
Procedures for Player Violations of the Code of Conduct
If a team manager determines that a player demonstrates unsportsmanlike or inappropriate conduct at a game or training session, the manager can take any of the following actions:
Immediately remove the player from the practice or the game.
Refer the matter to the Director of Coaching for review and possible sanction. An FC Deportivo Arizona (F.C.D.A.) official will investigate and determine what, if any, sanctions will apply. Sanctions may include, but are not limited to, a warning, suspension, probation and/or dismissal from the Club. Our procedures will be in accordance with all state and/or local guidelines for participation and promoting the mission and values of F.C.D.A. In all cases of disciplinary sanction, our Director of Coaching’s decisions are final and not subject to appeal. Players suspended or dismissed will not receive refunds.
Procedures for Parent/Guardian Violations of the Code of Conduct
If the team manager determines that a parent or guardian violates the Code of Conduct at a game or training session, the manager may take any of the following actions:
Direct the offending parent to leave the field.
Remove the player of the offending parent from the practice or the game and direct both parent and player to leave the field.
Refer the matter to the Director of Coaching for review and possible sanction. The matter will be investigated and what, if any, sanctions apply will be determined. Sanctions may include, but are not necessarily limited to, a warning, suspension probation and/or dismissal from the Club FC Deportivo Arizona (F.C.D.A.) procedures are in accordance with all state and/or local guidelines for participation and promoting the mission and values of the F.C.D.A. The Director of Coaching’s decisions are final and not subject to appeal.
Procedures for Addressing Grievances
If an issue concerns you, please follow the procedure described below. Contact information for coaching staff members can be found on this website.
If the issue concerns the team (which includes parents) on which your player plays or concerns your player directly:
Discuss the matter with your player’s team manager.
If that fails to address the issue, then direct the concern to your player’s coach.
If you feel your team manager or coach has not addressed your concerns adequately, contact the boys or girls director of coaching.
If, after speaking with the director of coaching, you feel the issue has still not been addressed adequately, you may then contact the executive director.
If the issue concerns a team manager:
Talk to that team manager, if possible.
If that’s not a viable option, then talk to the coach.
If you feel the coach has not addressed your concerns adequately, then contact the Director of Coaching.
If, after speaking with the Director of Coaching, you feel the issue has still not been addressed adequately, you may then contact the Board of Directors.
If the issue concerns a coach:
First talk to the team manager, if possible. If that’s not a viable option, then you may talk to Director of Coaching.
If, after speaking with the Director of Coaching, you feel the issue has still not been addressed adequately, you may then contact the Board of Directors.
If the matter concerns the Director of Coaching:
First, talk to the Director of Coaching, if possible. If that’s not a viable option, then you may contact the Club’s President or the Club’s Board of Directors.
Code of Conduct Violations
Any violations of the Code of Conduct or other applicable Club agreements or policies will be referred to the Director of Coaching for investigation and potential sanctions. Such sanctions may include, but are not necessarily limited to, a warning, suspension, probation and/or dismissal from the Club. The decisions of our Director of Coaching are final and not subject to appeal.
These procedures were created to ensure that FC Deportivo Arizona (F.C.D.A.) meets the needs of its families in an open, consistent and objective manner. If you feel that any unusual circumstances hinder or are outside the scope of these procedures, please contact the F.C.D.A. Director of Coaching or Club President or Board of Directors
Play-up Policy
As a general rule, FC Deportivo Arizona (F.C.D.A.) players play within their natural age group. Exceptions to this general rule are at the sole discretion of the Director of Coaching.
Fees and Financial Policies
Fees for participation in FC Deportivo Arizona (F.C.D.A.) Academy Program cover the entire soccer year
Academy Program
Fees for participation in the Academy Program cover the entire soccer year, September through April. Any player who registers to play with the Academy Program commits to pay the entire fees due, payable monthly on the 1st of every month. Payments are accepted via Cash, Check, and/or Credit/Debit card. No refunds, partial or full will be made in the event a player is suspended or removed from the program.
Failure to pay fees on time (paid on the 1st of the month) will result in the Team Manager contacting the player’s Parent/Guardian to make the payment. Failure to fulfill fee commitment will result in the player being suspended from play for all practices, games and tournaments. Upon receipt of payment, player will be reinstated. The player will be considered ineligible to play until all financial issues are resolved.
Club Program
Fees for participation in the Club Program cover the entire soccer year, September through April. Any player who registers to play with the Club Program commits to pay an initial registration fee, determined by the Club and communicated at the time of the player’s acceptance to the Club Program. First payment for the Club Program will be due September 1st of the upcoming season. Last payment will be due by December 1st of the same season. Payments are accepted via Cash, Check, and/or Credit/Debit card. No refunds, partial or full will be made in the event a player is suspended or removed from the program. Payment Program may be available and is offered on an individual basis. Parent/Guardian should contact their player’s Team Manager for information regarding criteria, approval and arrangements.
Failure to pay fees on time (paid on the 1st of the month) will result in the Team Manager contacting the player’s Parent/Guardian to make the payment. Failure to fulfill fee commitment will result in the player being suspended from play for all practices, games and tournaments. Upon receipt of payment, player will be reinstated. The player will be considered ineligible to play until all financial issues are resolved.
Recreational Program
Fees for participation in the Recreational Program cover the entire soccer year, September through April. Any player who registers to play with the Recreational Program commits to pay the entire fees due, payable monthly on the 1st of every month. Payments are accepted via Cash, Check, and/or Credit/Debit card. No refunds, partial or full will be made in the event a player is suspended or removed from the program.
Failure to pay fees on time (paid on the 1st of the month) will result in the Team Manager contacting the player’s Parent/Guardian to make the payment. Failure to fulfill fee commitment will result in the player being suspended from play for all practices, games and tournaments. Upon receipt of payment, player will be reinstated. The player will be considered ineligible to play until all financial issues are resolved.
Financial Assistance Program
FC Deportivo Arizona (F.C.D.A.) is committed to help players/families based upon financial needs. F.C.D.A. has established a financial assistance program to support families in need. There will be no full dues scholarships. Scholarships are awarded on a reduced dues basis, team numbers and funds available. The program allows those families in need to perform additional volunteer duties over the course of the soccer year, in order to supplement reduced fees. Families will work with the Team Manager to be provided with volunteer opportunities (i.e. tournaments, team fundraisers, etc.). Applications for financial assistance must be turned into the Club/Team Manager by September 1st of the upcoming season in question. Applications received after this date may not be accepted. All applications are kept confidential.
All applicants for financial assistance will be required to provide proof of need (i.e. number of dependents and any additional information requested by the Club). Funds are limited and will be determined by the number of applicants, team numbers and the total number of funds available. Financial assistance is only awarded on the fees and does not include registration fee, uniforms or any other team specific additional expenses. The program is monitored to ensure that participating families perform the expected volunteer duties mentioned above. Those families who are approved for the Financial Assistance Program but who do not perform their required duties will lose their right to participate with the Club and lose the opportunity to participate in the Financial Assistance Program going forward.
Late Team Formation and Tryout
In some cases, FC Deportivo Arizona (F.C.D.A.) may need to merge age groups to form a hybrid team or may have a player who moves to the area after teams have been formed. If all age-appropriate teams are formed and there is not a roster space available in the player’s natural age group, the player could play at the next age group, assuming space is available, and only after being evaluated by our coaching staff and approved by the Director of Coaching. Such players are required to be evaluated within their natural age group the following season
Playing Time
FC Deportivo Arizona (F.C.D.A.) does not have a policy on equal playing time for all players on a team. Playing time is a coaching decision and can be determined and based on several factors including: attendance at practices and games, attitude at practices and games, and playing ability. However, F.C.D.A. encourages all coaches to substitute so that all registered players have some playing time.
All FC Deportivo Arizona (F.C.D.A.) players are required to purchase and wear Club approved uniforms from current contracted vendor. Players are not allowed to wear attire from other vendors
Tryouts, Team Assignments and Age Appropriation
Trying out for FC Deportivo Arizona (F.C.D.A.) Club Program is required. Academy Program and Recreational Program do not require players to tryout; all players are accepted regardless of skill or experience.
Club Program Tryout Procedure
Trying out for F.C.D.A. Club Program is a privilege and not a right. Tryouts will be held after the legal starting date dictated by Arizona Youth Soccer Association (A.Y.S.A.), when players are released as of May 1st from their previous season. These tryouts are designed to evaluate players and ensure that they are placed on the appropriate roster. Roster decisions will be made by the Team’s Coach with guidance from the Director of Coaching.
Team Assignments and Age Appropriation
All players must tryout at the age appropriate level set by United States Youth Soccer Association (U.S.Y.S.) and enforced by A.Y.S.A. (see age matrix at respective websites). Players will tryout for proper gender. If no team exists, player may tryout for the next oldest age level. Returning players will need to attend tryouts. Any exception to the Tryout Policy must be approved by the Director of Coaching.